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True story.
But I’m pretty grateful that there will be alcohol availalbe {hello… nerves and anxiety of not knowing anyone.}
True story.
I just got back from running some errands. I had to stop by Target for hangers and highlighers {odd combo}. In addition, I bought 6 shirts. WTF.
True story.
And I’m going back to Target tomorrow to pick up some shelving for my belongings. I wanted to grab it today, but I was using a hand basket instead of a cart. And I was too lazy to go back and get a cart.
True story.
I made a dinner for BF last night. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be edible, and it turned out to be INCREDIBLE! I’m so proud.
True story.
{Vegans, cover your ears} I also cooked with chicken. Which is weird because I am afraid of meat. But this time I wasn’t. So weird.
True story.
I’m looking forward to going to yoga classes this week and trying out new teachers. They each seem to have something incredibly profound to say… like, exactly what you need to hear at that exact moment. It’s an incredible feeling.
True story.
I am getting back to being super consistent with blogging. But forgive me because I’m still about 700-deep in my google reader.
True story.
I sometimes find myself wanting to use hashtags, like #truestory, in non-twitter places. Like my blog. And texts. It’s strange. But I think it would be OK. 🙂
True story.
have fun at the JL event! and I always want to use hashtags in my facebook statuses 🙂
Have fun and I hope you like the girls, it's more important then them liking you.
Have fun at the event tonight! Go out and meet and greet people! You can do it!
I have totally caught myself using hashtags in texts. You're not alone!
good luck with the JL dinner! i know you'll love the girls! and i can't go to target without buying 1-2-3-4-10 things that are never on my list! curses!!! 🙂
I have to say, I think that you are really brave to go to your first JL event without knowing anyone. Our big gala is coming up and I'm seriously considering not going because most of the people that I know in JL are not attending. Good for you!
Target is a place you can walk into with the intention of buying one thing and walk out with 10 things! It always happens to me – the other night I went there to look for a laptop bag and came out with sunscreen, some medicine and a shirt but no laptop bag….lol
i dont like cooking meat either! im not afraid, i just dont like to touch it. or, know what it looks like before its on my plate. it helps me to eat it. bleh.
Have fun at Junior League…I'm sure they'll love you!