I left last weeks Believe In CLE event feeling so inspired. My post-yoga high was in full swing. I was taking my yoga off the mat and bringing it into my daily life. Little words of wisdom from my yoga teachers would echo in my mind wherever I was! And it felt wonderful.
And then something snapped me back into ‘reality’ and it felt… harsh.
It wasn’t like a major life event or anything. Just something little. And after being on such a high for life, that harsh reality check feels even more rough. And it kinda shakes me to my core.
Isn’t that the way life is though? You have the strength and energy to move mountains… but then the real world reminds you that not everyone shares your enthusiasm for living!
And that’s where this weeks mantra comes in.
I need to remember that small changes I make within myself DO have an impact on the world around me.
I need to stop thinking that it’s effects will be clear immediately on the world around me.
I need to stop the desire for instant gratification to see the changes manifest.
But I need to keep moving forward with the small changes. And one day I’ll wake up and reflect back only to realize that it HAS made a difference!