words to live by
words to live by: version 1
I am one of those people who is slightly obsessive-compulsive. I never leave the house without my planner, I obsessively balance my checking account, and I keep TWO notebooks in my over-flowing purse (one is for my “words to live by” and the other is for random other lists).
That being said, I realized that I want to share my “words to live by” with all of you! Take it or leave it! It’s up to you, but I hope you enjoy!
– Use thoughts and words of strength and love.
– Revel in alone time.
– Be a person who says positive things about others.
– Reduce your ecological footprint!
– Go with the flow of things.
– Be specific and direct about what you want to communicate.
– Lead a blameless life.
– Overlook no opportunity to play and laugh.
– Be like the mountain in the face of a strong wind, firm and steady.
– Admit your mistakes.
– Drop assumptions.
I believe.
I was inspired by listening to a special “this I ‘used to’ believe” episode of This American Life yesterday. I thought I’d share a few of my “this I believe’s.”
-I believe that I will be OK, even though I often have to remind myself. I will be OK.
-I believe in the kindness of strangers. I believe that we owe one another this much, at least.
-I believe that if you love someone, you should tell them. And tell them often.
-I believe if you smile constantly, you can trick your mind into being in a good mood.
-I believe that exercising is good for mental health.
-I believe in practicing thinking before speaking. The power that words can have on a person is incredible. I’d like to avoid saying something I might later regret.
Only when we act without judgment can we truly flourish in our lives.
“yoga is a lamp lit in the window of our home”
I’ve been getting much more serious about my yoga practice lately. It’s connecting me to something within myself that is deeper than what you see on the exterior.
The pain you wish to escape is everywhere…
I am sometimes get so emotional, so moved, in my yoga classes that I cry. I cannot explain it but to say that it’s a very raw kind of emotion that I have not felt in years. The spiritual connection I get from yoga is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. This being said, there is a lot that has happened within the last 12 or so months that I have been avoiding coming to terms with. The mix of this raw emotion and the emotions I have been bottling up seem to bubble to the surface and I just lose it during my practice.