This week is flying by. And it is lovely.
True story.
Tomorrow after work I get to leave to spend the weekend in Ohio. Just one more sleep until I get to see him!
True story.
It bums me out that I haven’t had much time to blog lately. I mean, I know I blog, I just don’t blog like I want to.
True story.
Part of me feels like I won’t really be able to properly function until I can tell you what’s been on my mind. It’s been keeping me up at night, making me a paranoid mess during the day, and shutting down my brain during work. This is no way to live.
True story.
I am thinking, seriously, about getting a new tattoo very, very, soon.
Totally Awkward Tuesday: going to hell
I was raised Roman Catholic. I was very involved in my church growing up and even into my college years. But for reasons that shall remain personal to me and not be posted on this blog, I no longer attend or associate with any religious sect. It’s personal and I am not trying to offend anyone. Promise.

{Leaves on my feet!}
It was an excruciatingly hot day. Like, 98 degrees or something ridiculous (OK, for Ohio that is very ridiculous). Per our management team, shorts and a tank top were completely acceptable at this event. My department was full of mostly women. The other department (a techie group) was full of mostly men. Though I was hesitant, I changed into something I knew I would be comfy in: sports shorts and a racer back tank.
I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by two women I work with. They happen to be two women I have to train. They approached me about my tattoos, which isn’t necessarily out of the ordinary. People ask me about them all the time (hence the reason I included pictures when referring to them this time!). But then they blurted out “Jesus hates your tattoos.”
I just stood there.
In shock. And smiled. Because I didn’t know what to say. But I was enraged. I had never had someone so blatantly tell me what was on their mind. And it was hurtful. And I am not a hurtful person, so I didn’t even mumble a rebuttal. And I walked away and got very upset that someone would even say that.
How awkward they made me feel that I would have to continue working with them after making comments like that!
To top off the awkwardness of the day, during our outing someone was taking photographs for the department website. I thought nothing of it… until I actually SAW the pictures. There are pictures of everyone from the outing… but during the game of kickball (where I had to round the bases ONCE) there were pretty much 30 pictures of me rounding the bases… in a tanktop… and, yeah. Umm… awkward. LOL.
Hope you enjoy. it was awkward even to write about. 😛