I know I’m not alone when I say that most days I feel like I’m just surviving.
Get up. Drop Moosh off at the sitter. Rush to work. Survive 8+ hours at work. Pick up Moosh. Entertain Moosh/survive until his bedtime. Do chores. Workout. Sit down. Fall asleep. Wake up. Repeat.
Hum drum. Blah. Ugh.
But after the holidays — and after surviving the flu — I’m back on track. And if there’s one thing I love more than organization and structure,… well, it’s nothing. I love being on a schedule. I love checking things off my to-do list. And I love the feeling of a less-than-thrilling day becoming exciting by accomplishments!
So I celebrate the small victories.
I celebrate the fact that I made it to the gym after work last night. And that I cooked dinner for tonight while Moosh was playing with his trains before bed. Oh – and I vacuumed the whole house, did the dishes, straightened up, and started laundry. There’s nothing that can make me feel more like a super mom than getting s**t done. Am I right!?
If you need me, I’ll be over here basking in the victory of motherhood and domesticity…