One thing I’ve noticed since I started 1/2 Marathon training is how much my body craves food as fuel. Don’t get me wrong, I know that food is fuel; but I also know that food is really, really good. It’s nice to see my body crave fuel versus crave food. [Yes, there is a difference.]
I recently had the opportunity to try out AMRAP Nutrition Bars as my post-workout fuel and recovery. AMRAP bars are new to the scene — like, really, really new to the scene (just released this week!).

AMRAP Nutrition has three new bars that you absolutely need in your life if health and fitness is your goal. From all natural ingredients to mouth watering flavor, these bars raise the standard of nutrition. Unlike other bars, which are loaded with artificial sweeteners and a laundry list of “poisons”, AMRAP bars are packed with clean, high-quality protein and raw, nutrient-dense foods to provide you long-lasting fuel. These bars are designed to be the highlight of your day.
AMRAP bars are:
- 100% Paleo
- GMO-free
- gluten-free
- dairy-free
- preservative-free
- clear of artificial sweeteners
The Almond Honey Bar contains sea salt, cinnamon, and raw honey that work together to provide essential micro minerals to rebalance electrolytes, limit rises in blood sugar, and maintain glycogen levels that improve athletic recovery time.
The Cashew Vanilla Bar has egg whites that are packed with protein to increase muscle mass while cashews and coconut work together to help to maximize energy, aid in muscle synthesis, and provide you with macronutrients.
The Fig and Cacao bar promotes cardiovascular health and has high fiber content, and is rich in phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Dates and cocao also work together to remove free radicals and reduce inflammation.
To maximize efficiency, AMRAP bars are packed with complete natural proteins and amino acids to repair your muscles. Most importantly, all these bars contain the optimal fat to carb ratio that increases lean mass and energy and is the crucial component for overall health and body composition.
The pros:
- Flavor. The flavor is delicious! I do love raw foods, and this bar did not disappoint!
- The full factor (also known as the recovery factor). Each bar I tried was just after an afternoon run. I ate them as post-workout fuel/recovery and they kept me full until dinner! Score!
- Ingredients. In our house, finding something that meets our food-values is important — and hard to come by. These met our criteria (paleo, gluten-free and GMO-free!
The cons:
- When they say nutrient dense, they mean it! They are a bit heavy for my liking. When I finish a long run I don’t feel like eating; so I kind of had to force myself to finish.
That’s IT!
Want to win a box (or 3?) for yourself to try?? Enter my giveaway for three boxes below! That’s right — there will be THREE boxes to win!