marathon training
The Fitness Games App // Review
I was recently given the opportunity to try out a new app for mobile devices called The Fitness Games. It’s a competitive app that connects fitness enthusiasts from all over via virtual workout challenges! You’re able to challenge anyone, anywhere, anytime! The app is available on iPhone and Android for free!
The way I see it, the more friends the better! The more friends you have the more challengers you have available to you. The My Feed section is a lot like the Facebook Timeline/Feed. You’re able to see your friends activity and comment on it or ‘like’ it by hitting the kettleball button. TFG also has a Facebook page where you can connect with other users and add them on your app!
I was able to “compete” with one other user during my trial period. It was fun! One of the major “Pros” of this app is that it totally keeps you motivated [think Jawbone UP/FitBit with an extra boost!]. An extra ‘pro’ is that it was designed by personal trainers for workouts that are intense and effective!
If you’re anything like me, when you workout next to someone at the gym, you’re inadvertently ‘competing’ with them. And they have no idea… Their loss, cause you seriously just kicked their ass at the elliptical…. 😉 So this app is a great way to channel some of that competitive energy into something with “rewards.” … or at least recognition. Which is the most important, .. am I right!?
In a nutshell? I think that most people could benefit from the extra boost of motivation. Whether or not we WANT to admit it, we all want to ‘beat’ someone else at something. Myself included. Download it and BRING IT ON.
My username is ItsAHero. (obvy). Find me. Challenge me. I’m ready. Bring. IT.
This post was sponsored by The Fitness Games through my partnership with Fit Approach as a Sweat Pink Ambassador. I was not compensated monetarily, but was provided the Platinum Version of the application for review. As always, all opinions are my own.
Fitness Goals // Update
Confession: I’ve been majorly, majorly, slacking since the Akron Half Marathon. I needed a break. I needed to stop training and I needed to workout when I wanted to work out — not when I “had” to work out.
Buuuuuut … that’s finally taking a toll on me. I’ve been running a few miles here and there, but I just hopped back on the fitness wagon again in a for-real kind of way.
It’s amazing how taking small steps can make a huge impact on how you feel, like going to the gym and forcing yourself to workout or run… which I’ve done several times in the last week. Extra bonus? Forcing myself to take a restorative yoga class when the type-A side of me (which is most of me), thinks I “must” take a hot power class. That restorative class was JUST what I needed!
- Finish a full marathon. I’m officially signed up for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May 2015! That’s insane!!
- Be a cross-training fool. Weight lifting, elliptical, etc. MUST dos!
- Get back to clean eating ALL of the time. Post-half I started slacking in a major way. I’m not eating terribly, but I certainly haven’t been eating consciously.
- Do yoga. Lots of yoga. And don’t underestimate the value of restorative yoga. Do lots of restorative yoga!
- Try crossfit. Even if it’s just once. I’d love to know if I like it or hate it. But I’m nervous that if I like it, I’ll love it.
My goals are simple… ish. Simplistic, yes. But that marathon?? NOT going to be simple! Luckily I have a great team on my side — a husband who will support me while I train and a friend who promises to pace me during the race! 🙂 What more could a first time marathoner ask for?? [cough-cough — perhaps a warm winter for training?? OK, now I’m just being picky.]
Have any marathon training tips? Or crossfit tips? Or clean recipes?? Please share!!