How is it possible that we’re already ten days into June!? It seems impossible. And scary. I have a feeling this year summer is going to fly by! Well it’s a brand new month, so I have brand new dreams and goals!
June Dreams and Goals:
1. Go on a wine tour. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and the opportunity is going to present itself this month! 🙂
2. Visit Pittsburgh. It’s been almost two years since we drove to Pittsburgh for a fun-filled day. I’m hoping we get to go back this month.
3. Finish 3 new books. I want to finish reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest, a book for the yoga book club, and another book which has yet to be determined.
4. Go with the flow of things, both at work and in my personal life.
5. Workout a lot. I feel so much better when I work out consistently.
6. Do yoga twice a week. I love how I feel after class, but sometimes getting to the studio is the hardest part.
7. Continue to eat meals from home rather than going out to eat. I’ll allow one ‘cheat’ day a week where I go out to eat!
8. Take more pictures. I’ve been slacking.
9. Go on more dates. With the BF, of course!
10. Stick to my budget. Or at least stay closer to it!
11. Purge unused items. Perhaps for a garage or yard sale? We need to create more space in the house.
12. Take Oscar to the dog park. Just Oscar; not Pepper. She doesn’t play well with others.
13. Tackle a few new recipes! Baked goods, dinners, lunches, etc.
14. Focus on my goals. Reevaluate my Day Zero list and my 2011 thus far {does this fall into “contemplate the meaning of life,” R? 😛 }
3. Read three new books. Major fail on this one. I’ve been oh-so-slowly
4. Try two new recipes. I don’t think I did this either. I think I might have tried one new recipe, but I can’t even remember what it was.
5. Work out even more than I did in April. Success!
I have been kicking my own butt!
6. Spring clean. Big time. I reorganized the pantry; and started the landscaping. But the rest is coming along slowly but surely!
7. Keep up with keeping the house clean during the week. I did a decent job at this. There’s a definite balance that I try in keep and it doesn’t always work out.
8. Get a haircut. Done! I love my new haircut! The length and color is amazing!
9. Plan the rest of our cruise.
We haven’t planned the rest of our cruise yet at all. Still.
10. Book a massage. I have yet to book it. Life seems like it’s been so busy lately!
I really need to make this appointment. My sanity is dependent on it.
11. Plan a special day for the BF’s birthday. Done!
I pretty sure he had a great birthday!