That being said, I hope you all had an awesome weekend! And here’s to another weekend in just five short days!
just trying to enjoy a baseball game.
Friday night we went to an Akron Aeros baseball game. We received free tickets from one of BFs friends, so we invited my sister and her friend, and one of my bestest friends, C, and her boyfriend, T.
We had pretty good seats {which pretty much just means I could actually see what was happening} in a pretty packed crowd. There was a family behind us with two small children. The whole bunch was there… grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, uncles, and a three year old and probably 5-ish year old.
At first I was all, “awe, they are taking the little ones to a game! How cute!” That was, until the peanut shell spitting started.
Let’s be clear. This is a minor league team. The rows of seats are very close together. But these children were chewing up peanuts, and spitting the shells in my hair/on my back and on C’s back. And the parents? They. Laughed.
Only after the laughing did the parents say “Don’t do that,” and then continued to laugh more. Way to reinforce not to do something when you think it’s FUNNY.C and I were visibly irritated. We were wiping the chewed peanut shells out of our hair and off of our backs. But I still let it go. Just kids, right?
That’s what I thought. Until the devil children children started to walk back and forth from Grandma {who just thinks EVERYTHING is “So cute!”} to mom and dad… using our hair/backs/clothes as ways to keep balance. Then the screaming began. Not your normal “I’m-at-a-baseball-game” screaming, but possessed-by-the-devil, screaming at the top of their lungs. In. Our. Ears.
BF could tell I was getting annoyed. And he didn’t try and calm me, as he usually does, because I think he realized I was within reason.
But then the one devil child, whom not surprisingly the mom let open the sippy cup, decided to dump the sippy cup contents onto my back/lap as well as BFs back/lap.
I can’t even say that this was the worst of it. Cause then the parents didn’t even apologize. They had the balls to say, “Don’t worry. It’s just water. Mostly. …and juice.” and continued to laugh at their devil-childrens antics.
BF, who always keeps his cool, was irritated. And then the dad said “If you want you can spank him,” to us.
I was furious. Furious! How could these people be so non-chalant about their children being downright awful in a place so public? Again, I understand that when in public settings, it’s impossible to have your children behave like little angels. I give the benefit-of-the-doubt to parents with children who just refuse to behave. But these parents didn’t even attempt to put their children in line. They thought it was funny. Cute, even. I was so disgusted. I did not go off on these people, but I felt that I had the right to say something. This morning I am frustrated that I let it go.
What do you think? Was I within my rights to say something to their horrible parents?
completely random true story tuesday.
True story.
But I’m pretty grateful that there will be alcohol availalbe {hello… nerves and anxiety of not knowing anyone.}
True story.
I just got back from running some errands. I had to stop by Target for hangers and highlighers {odd combo}. In addition, I bought 6 shirts. WTF.
True story.
And I’m going back to Target tomorrow to pick up some shelving for my belongings. I wanted to grab it today, but I was using a hand basket instead of a cart. And I was too lazy to go back and get a cart.
True story.
I made a dinner for BF last night. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be edible, and it turned out to be INCREDIBLE! I’m so proud.
True story.
{Vegans, cover your ears} I also cooked with chicken. Which is weird because I am afraid of meat. But this time I wasn’t. So weird.
True story.
I’m looking forward to going to yoga classes this week and trying out new teachers. They each seem to have something incredibly profound to say… like, exactly what you need to hear at that exact moment. It’s an incredible feeling.
True story.
I am getting back to being super consistent with blogging. But forgive me because I’m still about 700-deep in my google reader.
True story.
I sometimes find myself wanting to use hashtags, like #truestory, in non-twitter places. Like my blog. And texts. It’s strange. But I think it would be OK. 🙂
True story.
happy birthday to my best friend

{image courtesy of Main Street Cupcakes, Hudson, Ohio — where I purchased BFs cupcakes!}
Not with me & BF, things are fine on that front, but pretty much everything else has… changed, let’s say.
First off I am writing this post in the middle of the day as I take a break from cleaning up the kitchen. I should be working, but I’m not.
Second of all, we have a new addition to the family. No I’m not pregnant, but we did adopt a sister for Oscar. Yes, it may be crazy to be just getting settled into our new old home, but it seemed like the perfect time once we started to think about it. Everyone is adjusting {me, BF, Oscar, the two cats}, so why not just add her to the mix now and let them all adjust at once? Perfect.
I wouldn’t quite say that Oscar and Pepper are getting along famously, but I’m confident they will be. Someday.
spas with car-wash-like showers.
We slept in, went down to the spa, changed into our super comfy robes, and met in the couples massage area.
But even getting one every month would not compare to the spa at the hotel.
Post-massage, we went back into our respective mens and womens sanctuaries where we spent some time in the steam room relaxing.
Post-steam room, I was a hot, sweaty mess! So to the shower I went.
Except this wasn’t like any shower I had ever seen. It was pretty much like a spaceship 😛 I had to program the shower and then water came from everywhere! Rain shower from above and spray from every wall! Super fantastic.
Post-shower I cleaned myself, dried my hair, and met BF out in the spa area, where he immediately asked me, “did you use the shower? It was like a car wash!” He’s so silly, that one!
What a great way to start the day, though. Spa massages, steam room, and relaxing shower… Certainly an experience we will not forget!