– This weekend kicked my butt. I am still not recovered.
Nor will I be until I can get a decent night of sleep.
– Our house is a disaster. This morning I found a cookie sheet
{which was in the sink when i went to bed}
on the kitchen floor
{thanks Kobe Kitten}.
– Also? Three loads of laundry need to be folded and
are currently leaning in a laundry tower.
I’m praying this tower does not fall over.
– BF got me a Kindle for Christmas! And. I. LOVE.it!
Here’s photo evidence of my love of my kindle
{includes not only Oscar Puppy and Pepper just staring at me,
but also photo evidence of what a wreck our house was}.
– I also got an iPad 16G + 3G.
BF is having fun playing with it and,
thanks to him, it is now loaded with fun iPad apps.
– BF got a cornhole set for Christmas from my parents.
Painted, of course, in Cleveland Browns colors.
– Last week we didn’t not cook one meal at home. That is craziness.
– I am without a doubt looking forward to catching up on life during my couple of days off for the holiday this week.
– In other news, we have enough wine and beer
in the house to last us until next christmas.
No joke.
– my lovely friend Chelsea over at Pencil Skirts and Pearls sent
me a christmas care package full of goodies!
Thanks to her, my feet were toasty warm in comfy socks
and I had a beautiful scarf to wear over the holidays! Thanks, Chelsea B!