It only took us about 7.5 hours to get there.
Not bad considering the donut stop and multiple bathroom breaks thanks to my non-existent bladder.
BF and I packed up {I brought about 15 outfits for 4 days; BF brought a tiny bag for his week away from home} and headed out first thing Monday morning.
Our first stop was in Massachusetts. We went to Kanes Donuts, which I earlier discovered while drooling over watching an episode of something or other on the Travel Channel.
I’m not even a big donut eater. I mean, I can’t even remember the last donut I indulged in. But I like road trips with food destinations, so I thought, why not?
We bought a half dozen of their famous, hand-rolled little gems!

After we got out of the Boston area, we drove to our hotel.
I’m not sure if I told you how I heard about this place. It was part of a getaway boutique on RueLaLa. The hotel is generally way out of budget. Way out of budget. But we got a really awesome deal.
Well, BF said on the way, “What if it is just like the Holiday Inn.”
I started to freak. Thinking, “Oh my gosh. What if it is??”
Well it definitely wasn’t.

{Inn By The Sea, Portland, Maine}
Our room was incredible! I have never stayed in a five-star hotel before, and I’ve gotta say, I was extremely impressed. I would recommend the Inn By The Sea to everyone!

{I love this bed. True story.}

{I was taking a moment to just take it all in}
After we sat in shock and awe at our room got settled in, we went for a walk down to the beach. Yes, it was a bit chillier than we would have liked, but it was still incredible.

{me & BF}
Even these first few moments in Maine were fantastic memories.
Next up, part two of our Maine trip!