This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GiantEaglePerks #CollectiveBias #cbias

One of many things that has had me nervous about this round of maternity leave is that I am no longer working in a full-time position. Which means my ‘leave,’ much like the maternity leave of most women in this country, will be unpaid. Which has made me get insanely creative, budget-wise, these last 9 months!
Because, believe it or not, I’m still planning for my family to have a pretty awesome Summer of fun. One of the ways I’ve been amping up our Summer spending budget is by simply doing the same things I already do everyday!

Giant Eagle has long been my go-to place for groceries, but with their recent price slashing on everyday items, I’ve been scanning my advantage card even more frequently — and earning fuelperks+ — which quickly add up to savings at the pump and savings of up to 20% off groceries!

2. Plan all of your meals — not just dinner!
When I first started meal planning, I was only planning out our dinners. I would (incorrectly) assume that we would have leftovers from dinner for lunches the next day. Not exactly. Either the dinner would be consumed by two tiny, children-sized vacuums at dinner; or they would have zero interest in eating it for lunch the next day.

Often times our breakfasts consists of cereal, either hot or cold, and our lunches consist of fruits, veggies, crackers, and cheese (what can I say — my children are just like me!).
3. Purchase gift cards at the checkout for everyday expenses — like home improvement projects, travel, or clothes!
Whenever I know that I have a purchase to make, whether it be at Target or if we’re going out to dinner at Chipotle, I’ll go to Giant Eagle and purchase a gift card so that I also earn fuelperks+. I mean, why not, right?! I’m already going to buy the kids clothes at Target, I might as well also earn some perks from it!

4. Fill up the gas tank while running your errands and scan your advantage card.
It’s inevitable. I will need to fill up the gas tank in our new minivan at least once a week — it just doesn’t have the same fuel economy as our smaller car. So when I do hit the pump, I go to GetGo and scan my advantage card first! Not only is their gasoline incredibly competitive as far as price is concerned, but in doing this task — which I have to do anyway — I am also earning those fuelperks+!

In an effort to save a good chunk of change where we can, we cut our cable and switched strictly to streaming-only. My kids will watch TV entirely too much, if I let them; but, especially during the Summer, there’s just really no need to be tied up to the TV.
Sure, it’s nice to have for a rainy afternoon or, in my case, those soon-to-be late night feedings; but it’s also totally unnecessary. And do you know how inexpensive Netflix is!? Bonus — you can purchase Netflix gift cards at Giant Eagle and earn those extra fuelperks+!

As I continue watch the savings roll in, we’ll be treating our family to a staycation that we so desperately need. My husband will be taking some time off work this Summer in an effort to help our family adjust to life with a new little; but we’re also going to indulge the older kids with trips to the movies, playing at the trampoline park, and a trip to the north coast (that’s the islands off Lake Erie, for those of you not in the Midwest 😉 ).
What would YOU do with extra savings
from Giant Eagle’s fuelperks+ program
this Summer ??