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Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was very very busy. I worked Saturday in a desperate effort to make some more cash before my big move! Speaking of my big move, I’m having some serious anxieties about the whole thing. Causing almost daily anxiety attacks. Which means I’m unable to sleep well… or eat well for that matter. I need to relax.
Which leads me to this:
What do you like to do to relax?
I would love to hear your suggestions!
This will be a short post tonight. I’m sleepy. I kicked my own butt at the gym this morning and didn’t sleep well last night. Here is a picture from a party I went to and A&Bs house:
Let's see…relaxing…bubble bath(of course, a classic), getting a pedicure, online shopping, vegging in front of the tv (especially home shopping – it's easy to just space out), reading a fun and easy to read book (nothing too serious or requiring deep thought), and playing with my dog.
I relax by playing my favorite music. Sublime or 311 usually put me in a good mood! 🙂
Relax….I do that sometimes, don't I? Generally, walking and cooking are my relaxing times. They both give me time to think differently and to forget about “the list” of whatever. Hope your move goes well. If you decide to cook, come on over to Crock Pot Wednesdays and sign up. You will love the prizes.
To relax, I usually try to fit in some yoga time, veg time (tv or book), and music.
bubble bath
Hi! I just ran across your blog and it's cute- I am also from Ohio-Medina to be exact and thought I'd say Hi. Moved here a year ago from Michigan and love it. I like to read to relax and walk with my 2 year old around the block! Sipping wine and sitting w/ my hubby is nice too! Have a great day!
Jamie Harris
relax? lol. i'm not sure how to do that!
i guess just try to look at what is making you anxious about your move and try to change those fears into how they could possibly be great instead of scary.
it might help.
moves are scary…but fun. think about all the redecorating!
p.s. i'm glad we will be following each others 101 progress….
i honestly think it makes it a little more fun that way 🙂
for me? drinking a glass or wine or just straight vegging on my couch is my idea of relaxing.
deep breath!
Looks like a fun time lady! I relax by taking a bath, bringing in a book or some magazines and a glass of a cozy red wine. I also add green tea oil to the tub for the ultimate scent. I add lavender bath salts too…just talking about it makes me want to take one!
Okay so everyone says take a bath, I like to shower. Not just any shower though, I use this stuff from Bath and Body Works, it's the aromatheropy body scrub in “tranquil mint”. It is a stress reducer and makes your skin soo smooth and it gets all tingly when you get out of the shower!
2 Tylenol PM and Alias reruns until I konk out for the night. Relaxing or really lame? 🙂
I am the queen of mellow & relaxed! I turn out the lights & light a few candles. Then I snuggle up on my couch & watch DVDs of my favorite shows. Or, if I can't stand to look at a piece of electronic equipment, I climb into my bed with a good book & a little bit of piano music on my iPod.