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Bringing a new baby home is a huge adjustment — both for the new mom and the family. But one of the best things that you can do as a mom is to take care of yourself. It’s taken a few years to learn these things, but here is my list of postpartum must-haves for all moms!

I’ve been through three very different deliveries and each time I’ve needed help with aches and pains postpartum. Whether you’ve been through a drug-free delivery, a vaginal delivery with an epidural, or a c-section, Motrin will be your new BFF — at least for a few days.
Birth is traumatic, ya’ll. Even when it isn’t, it is. Whichever way you bring a new life into this world, it’s rough on your body. Don’t be a martyr, take the Motrin and take it often. I learned the first time around that it’s not a good idea to wait until you need it; instead just take it when you’re allowed.
2. Meals.
Ready-to-eat frozen meals, restaurant gift cards, a meal train — all of it. Whether you’re adding baby number one or baby number 7 to your family, the last thing a new mom wants to do is prepare food. In fact, you’ll need to eat as soon as you get a free moment.

3. Comfortable clothes/pajamas.
The days (and weeks) that follow the birth of a new child will be days (and weeks) of hunkering down at home. If it’s your first child, you may think you need to wear real clothes. I’m here to tell you, just don’t. I mean, sure — shower and try to get yourself together because it will make you feel better. But you also need to feel comfortable. Your body, regardless of what kind of birth you’ve had, has been through trauma. So make sure you have several sets of comfortable clothes whether it be pajamas or sweatpants or whatever.

Everyone will tell you how much you need the giant pads but I’m here to tell you that I’m not about that life. Did you know that Depends Silhouettes exist?! Because they are glorious! They are not like diapers in any way, shape, or form; in fact, they are (almost) comfortable. So ditch the pads — buy the depends.
5. Stool Softeners.
Whatever experience you’ve had with birth, a child has exited your body. And for 40-weeks a baby has grown inside of you. Your organs have shifted to make room and then shifted back very, very, suddenly. This and hormonal changes wreak havoc on our digestive systems. Whether or not you think you need them, take the stool softeners. They’ll be offered to you in the hospital — take them. And make sure you have a small pack of them at home to get you through the first week or two.
6. Breastpads.
Whether you decide to breastfeed or formula-feed, your breasts will leak — and you should most certainly be prepared. While I so desperately want to be a supporter of reusable breast pads, I have to say that I’ve tried the silicone breast pads and they are massively uncomfortable. Either get yourself the fabric reusables or the disposables.

Comfort is key postpartum! Your tatas will hurt. So make them comfortable by finding bras and tanks that are secure but also not too tight.
8. Air Conditioning.
Hormones do crazy things. One of those things is making us sweat our booty off postpartum! Even after having my January baby, I was sweating like crazy — so much so that my husband had to sleep in the other room because I was freezing him out! So you’ll need air conditioning or, at the very least, a really good fan to circulate the air.
But no worries, because your hormones will even out and you’ll be back at a normal resting temperature before you know it!
9. Grace.
I’ve talked a lot about grace and motherhood. But I promise you it is not to be cliché. It is the one thing that has saved me, often times from myself. After becoming a mom for the first time I realized that I had put way too much pressure on myself, especially in those first few postpartum weeks. I accepted too many visitors and I stressed myself out by trying to ‘keep up’ with housework.
Just don’t. Breathe. Delegate. And give yourself all of the grace.

What are some
of the items
on your postpartum
must-have list?

This is the perfect post for me – I’m 12 weeks post partum, but all of these things still are essential. I had all these things coming out of the hospital and I’m so glad I did. Especially the meal cards. That was my absolute fave. And I’m so glad you added in “grace”. That is the hardest and yet the most crucial.
With plans of my husband and I growing our family in the future, these will be great tips to have!
Thank you so much for this list! I’m due in October with my first and I have no idea what I need postpartum. This helps so much!
My baby is due in November so this list is really helpful to me! I’m with you on the meals part, I found this such a help with my first son!
This definitely brought back memories! That first one is ESSENTIAL haha. Same with #5. I had a C-section and the pain medication I was on is what made the stool softeners necessary. So humiliating, but true! UGH.
I agree with Deb. So glad you included grace in this list. I struggled so much in the beginning with fear, doubt, and anxiety. I definitely needed to give myself more grace.
Yes to all of these! I was setting timers to remind myself to keep on my motrin those first weeks
These are really great tips, I’m sure they can help a lot of new mamas
The gift cards tip for resturants it’s brillant, definitely something to keep in mind
I feel like I was one of the lucky ones not to need super pads but I did love home-cooked meals – especially when we were in the NICU. I also wanted people to help out and sucked at asking. I needed my space and baby time too but someone to do a chore or too was so so nice!
This is a great list, most of us women forget the importance of Motrin and it is so important to have it handy.
These tips are fabulous! I know when times come I will be running around like headless chicken. So thank you
I am 9 days postpartum and agree with EVERYTHING on this list! The motrin – oh man, that was an absolute must. Those cramps are NO JOKE!!!!
Yes to ALL of the above, lol and I had to laugh at the air conditioning and grace, because oh my gosh, those are both totally necessary!!! Also to the meals. We didn’t get any for our first baby, but my husband’s work loved on us for our second, and it was AMAZING. For our third baby someone gave us a pretty nice GrubHub gift card 🙂
I totally agree with these! childbirth is no joke….you definitely need to be ready with all of the things to take care of yourself afterwards!
I remember the breast pads! oh man and if they moved.. and you leaked in your shirt… lol Those were the days!
I’m in the process of making several frozen meals for my bestie who is scheduled to deliver this weekend! Meals were one of the most important things when recovering–the more the better! We even stocked up on frozen pizzas/chicken patties/restaurant gift cards to make life a little easier too!
I think meals and comfy clothes are super key. Just need to look for recipes now!
As usaul I’m sharing your post with my friends x
I love that you included ‘Grace’ in your list! Thanks for sharing!!
This is such a great post! My baby is due in two weeks and I definitely need to get prepared for the postpartum period.
I am shaking my head in agreement to all of these but especially breast pads, comfy clothes, meals, AC, and grace. All of these are so helpful and important to have postpartum!
Yes! I definitely agree with all of these!! And I would also add Tucks pads, they’re a must for me!
These are great tips. It’s so nice to see moms sharing their knowledge so that future moms have an idea of what to expect.
Yes to all of these!! Meals are such a blessing, and grace upon grace upon grace!!!
Great list! Giving yourself Grace is so important. My favourite item was a giant water bottle! I had a few beside my bed!
As someone who hopes to have my first baby in the next couple of years, this list is so helpful! Birth definitely seems messy but so beautiful!
Hannah Rooks |
I always try to bring meals to people after they have a baby. I had it done for me and it was such a blessing.