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Just over one year ago the decision was made for me to become a stay-at-home mom. Truthfully, I was terrified. I had lost my job at 9-months pregnant with our daughter, my second child, Remy Bea. I had an awful pregnancy full of illness and pain. I was terrified of suddenly being thrust into this new world — one without an office and timeclock.
Here we are one whole year later. I’ve been on both sides of the working world and what I have now is a whole new perspective. So here are my tips for a new SAHM:

3. You will tune your children out. This was a hard pill for me to swallow. See, it always reminded me of a very ‘mom’ thing to do — one that I just couldn’t imagine myself actually doing. But it happens. Heck, I’ve found myself automatically responding to my son, Ari, by saying “Yep just eat your food.” Except, he wasn’t eating. It was just my natural response to him so often that I just blurt it out randomly. Thanks in large part to my amazing ability to tune him out.
4. You will find excuses to leave the house. Pro-tip: Never, ever, get everything you need for the week during a single trip to the store. Somedays you just need a reason to get out in public (even if that reason is to prevent yourself from screaming). Also, you will learn about all of the free and exciting things happening in your town. Because, well, free things are the best things to do with kids (and it gets you out of the house).

With all of these lessons I’ve learned, the greatest lesson I’ve learned is that I am a damn good mom. Even when the s**t hits the fan; even when the kids are sick; even when the laundry isn’t done; and even when I pick up a rotisserie chicken for the 4th time in a week — I am a damn good mom. And whether you work outside of the home or in it, you are too!
And okay, a confession: I am only a kind of stay-at-home mom. See, I work part outside of the home about 25 hours a week, but I take both kids with me — and work with them! Yep. So I don’t really get a “break” from them. Does it still count? Yeah, I think so.
So tell me — if you’re a SAHM, what are some things you’ve learned on this journey? And working moms — tell us your tips to juggle it all!
Loved your post. My daughter can relate. I am going to send her your post:-)
Oh so true, all of them! #5 is me all the time. LOL
There are so many days where we just wonder around Target because I need to get out! HAHA. I work part-time also but when I’m home we alway have to get out.
I didn’t know you SAHM. I thought you worked and took your kids to childcare at your work or something.
I work part time outside of the home (I mention that at the bottom of the post) 😉 but they do come with me to work so I don’t get a break from them
This is too perfect and the most accurate thing ever! I’ve been a SAHM for a little over 3 years now and boy, do all of those things resonate with me! I always tune my kids out haha and we always find things to do to get out of the house!
I totally agree. I love that. I totally stay up way too late just have some “me time.”
People give me a hard time b/c my daughter goes to bed at 7:45, but I NEED that time away haha!
Yes, girl! Don’t let those people get to you! That’s OUR TIME! LOL!
I identify with all of these, especially making sure to find reasons to leave the house. I go completely stir crazy when we stay home all day for several days in a row.
I remember I always used to stay up late when I was on maternity leave just to have some time to myself. Looking back, I wish I would have slept. I remember feeling like a zombie! 🙂
Oh yes!!! I really needed to read this today! Yes we are good moms, indeed!
Um yes to all of these. I can relate to every single thing listed here. Ha!
#1 and #4….that’s totally me! Also, you WON’T have more free time than you did working!
I don’t know WHY I thought I’d get more done… sighhh lol!
i’m not a stay at home mom and i can relate to all of these!
Every morning my husband and I say we should go to bed earlier, and every night we still stay up to unwind… brutal cycle!
#5. Always. Happy 1 Year at Home!!
Ohmygosh, your kiddos are adorable! Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned! I can relate to all of these. You’re doing great, mama! <3
Thank you! <3
haha..this is what I tell myself every day too, that I am gonna sleep early today and always end up late. I need “ME” time so badly after become SAHM. And I do make excuse to go out every now and then as well to keep my sanity. My kids love it and I am happier.
God bless those who can take care of children full time. I often leave my house headed to my super stressful full time job happy for the break I will get from my kiddos!
These are all very true for me, especially #5! I’m more productive after everyone has gone to bed.
All totally true! LOL, I’m a homeschooler too, so trips to Target are seriously like mini vacations! I just wander around buying things I don’t need, usually for the friggin’ kids!!! And yes, you’re a damn good mom indeed, keep up the good work, mama!
You are a damn good mom! I definitely find myself going to target everyday just to get out of the house. And I’m totally with you on the homemade dinner. I am for about 4x a week and I’m pretty proud if that happens!
My To Do List is out of control and I completely agree with #5!!!
Oh my gosh, number 3 is so me too!
So true, dinner does not get made every night, nor does laundry get put away lol. Most nights I’d rather go to sleep than to bother with eating lol.
So true about wanting to get out of the house!!
You are a darn good mom! Never doubt it even on those crazy rough days! Its been over decade and I still have to tell myself that!.
Great post! I do not have kids, but I DO know several SAHM’s.. and I KNOW they would agree with you on this! 🙂
YES to all of these! I’ve also learned that comparison is the thief of joy 🙂
I loved this post and can totally relate!!! My goal is 3 homemade dinners per week with leftovers!
Agree to all 5 lessons you’ve learned. I’m DREADING being on MAT leave 🙁
“You will tune your children out.” YES!!! 100%.
I love your honesty in this post! I want to be a SAHM someday, and I feel like we can romanticize it sometimes… No “job”, chillin’ at home, taking care of your kids. But it’s work. It’s hard. And so so worth it!
Oh yes, this is so true! I can’t even. I haven’t got to the ‘tuning out’ stage because my son is only four months old, but I am finding every excuse under the sun to get out of the house/out of my town!
Not a mom, but I love this post – and damn right, you’re a damn good mom!
I completely agree with the other comments. Hurray for you, for being sincere, and such a good mom. I am not a parent yet, but reading so much about it as I am pregnant with a baby boy coming later this November. I hope I can be half as good SAHM as you are for at least the first two years.