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Is anyone else in complete disbelief that we’re nearing the end of July already?! I can hardly believe that our third baby, Mila, is already a month old. It’s all sort of surreal.
These past four weeks have been a huge adjustment for our family. Between bringing a new baby home and having my husband at home 24/7, my two older kids, Ari (5) and Remy (2), have been having some issues. Nothing major, honestly. Just a tad bit of attitude and a few listening issues.
And I have to say that throughout this adjustment period we’ve found little ways to make the older kids still feel special and important.

My husband and I have always been movie buffs. When we were dating (aka before we had kids) we would go to the theater weekly. It was our ‘thing.’ And I’m proud to say that we’ve instilled the love of the movie theater to Ari; but up until recently, Remy had yet to go.
Well, lucky for us, the Cinemark Summer Movie Club has been a go-to in our new weekly routine! Remy has sat through 3 different movies with Chad and her big brother since Miss Mila was born.

Special Treats at Steak ‘n Shake //
Bringing home a new baby can mean lots of ‘fend for yourselves’ meals, which, in our house means lots of hot dogs, fruit, and sandwiches. We’ve been lucky to have a handful of friends bring us meals, too! Otherwise, I fear our children would not have had a single home-cooked meal these last 4 weeks.

Solo errands //
There isn’t always time for grand adventures, like those above. But ya know what? Kids don’t need big adventures. Small errands with just one kid are equally as rewarding. That undivided attention is glorious to them!

Extra bedtime snuggles //
The one area where the older kids seem to be struggling the most is with bedtime routines. Between illness and toddler sleep regression, we’ve had our fair share of bedtime obstacles; but even on the best of nights, we find ourselves giving Ari and Remy lots of extra snuggles just before bed.
One extra story, one extra leg rub, and one extra snuggle and hug go a long way.

Such a good idea to spend one on one time with each kid!
I think it is so important for kids to get one on one time with parents. It’s such a fun way for them and for us to create extra special memories. I love that your daughter gets popcorn and fizzies at the movies. My kids love slushies! Always such a fun treat! 🙂
These are great tips! Fostering a loving and fun relationship between our kids is so important. When we lived in Georgia, I loved going to Steak n. Shake with my girls.
I love the idea! looks like a blast!
I remember doing special little projects with my older daughter when her little sister was born. It’s such a perfect way to make them feel special and not forgotten.
This is so relevant. We have our new due at the end of October, but a new baby coming into the household in two weeks. I’m so worried that my daughter is going to feel neglected. We did have a lovely Mommy/Daughter date today. Fingers crossed that she adjusts well.
Love these tips! My kids love running little errands with daddy after the new baby. Mom gets alone time in the (quiet) house to bond with baby! Win-win!
Little ones need a little extra help when it comes to adjusting to a new member of the family. I love the idea of taking them on solo errands or out for a special treat.
Adjustment is so hard. We have 4 kids and it’s hard each time. We make sure each child gets special time and snuggles. We run errands separately with one and make sure to really talk to each child throughout the day!
I think them getting some solo time is key. Plus it’s really fun for the parent and the child.
I’m all about kids eat free! Adding steak and shake to my list ☺️
My kids were born a minute apart so they didn’t have to go through this phase. Thank God too, because I don’t know that I’ve would’ve handled it well.
What great ideas! I love the movie deals happening this summer for sure, what a great thing for kids!
Such great tips! I’ll have to pass these on to my friends who are about to have their second children.
We haven’t been to Steak N Shake for ages! We need to go!
These are some really great ideas to make sure the other kids don’t feel left out with all a new baby brings. I love the one on one time!
We just always made sure we kept the older kids involved. They also got some special time.
These are all such good ideas! I’ve been trying to do some of these same things with my oldest since adding our second this year!